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Kill this bill:
Arizona Senate Bill 1308 Defines Dual Citizens As Natural Born Citizens

By: Devvy
March 1, 2011

Sen. Russell Pearce [R-AZ] has been a champion on the front lines against illegal immigration out in Arizona along with his colleagues who believe our immigration laws must be enforced. I have interviewed Sen. Pearce on the radio and have a great deal of respect for him. However, he and Sen. Ron Gould [R-AZ] have pushed a bill through one of their committees that I believe is dangerous and will not pass a constitutional challenge, so I must speak out.

As regular readers of my columns and those following the inexcusable farce regarding the usurper in the White House's constitutional ineligibility to be president of these united States of America, you will recognize the name Leo Donofrio. Leo is an attorney. His case was the first eligibility challenge to make it to the U.S Supreme Court; the court chose not to do their constitutional duty. This is Leo's legal analysis of SB 1308:

BEWARE: Arizona Senate Bill 1308 Defines Dual Citizens As Natural Born Citizens. February 23, 2011

"Arizona Senate Bill 1308 passed out of committee yesterday by an 8-5 vote.  This bill is a cleverly disguised attempt to protect President Obama from eligibility scrutiny. It does this by declaring persons born with dual citizenship as natural born citizens.  But it does this in a very sneaky manner. That's right.  Arizona has now passed out of committee a bill which states that persons born with dual citizenship are natural born citizens of the United States. This same bill is being considered by all states party to the compact.

"So infamous congratulations to the 8 votes in Arizona who passed this unconstitutional bill to the full Senate floor. They've just declared those born as dual citizens eligible to be Commander In Chief of the US Armed Forces. The Arizona Republic completely failed to mention this incredible turn of events in their report:

“Late Tuesday, the committee advanced two of the bills, becoming the first state legislative committee in the nation to pass legislation intended to challenge the practice of granting citizenship to children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants.

Committee members voted 8-5 to approve a controversial package of bills, which would challenge the 14th Amendment interpretation about citizenship.”

This so called “compact” is being pushed by a conglomerate of states, and it looks like it's being done to protect Obama. SB 1308 declares:




"As used in this compact, “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” has the meaning that it bears in section 1 of the fourteenth amendment to the United States Constitution, namely that the person is a child of at least one parent who owes no allegiance to any foreign sovereignty, or a child without citizenship or nationality in any foreign country."



"…A person who is born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States is a natural born United States citizen.

"Article II defines a person…  “born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” … as … “a child born to at least one parent who owes no allegiance to any foreign sovereignty“.

"Article III declares that… “A person who is born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States is a natural born United States citizen.”

"Sneaky bastards all around.  When the relevant section of Article II is read in conjunction with the relevant section of Article III, you have a complete declaration that a person born of one citizen parent is a “natural born United States citizen”.

"According to that definition, a person born with dual citizenship is also  a “natural born United States citizen”.


"Anchor babies will not be eligible for US citizenship according to this bill, but Obama will be eligible to be POTUS.  Looks like a deal was struck to protect Obama by attacking the citizenship of children born on US soil to illegal immigrant parents. Apparently, the US citizenship of anchor babies is being sacrificed to protect Obama from competing eligibility legislation – such as Arizona HB 2544 – which does, in fact, require Presidential candidates to prove they have never owed allegiance to a foreign nation.


SB 1308 is unconstitutional because it would render the natural born citizen clause (from Article 2  Section 1) superfluous. That is not allowed according to the famous SCOTUS decision, Marbury v. Madison, wherein Chief Justice Marshal stated:

‘It cannot be presumed that any clause in the constitution is intended to be without effect; and therefore such construction is inadmissible, unless the words require it.’

"If the 14th Amendment defined “natural born citizen” for the purposes of POTUS eligibility, then the nbc clause in Article 2 Section 1 would be rendered meaningless. If the framers of the 14th Amendment had sought to declare all 14th Amendment citizens to be “natural born citizens” then that's exactly what the 14th Amendment would say.

"But it doesn't.

"The 14th Amendment – by its very own text – defines who are “citizens”, but it does not define who is a “natural born citizen”.  Elsewhere in the Constitution, the word “citizen” was used to define those who are eligible to be Representatives and Senators.  But the word “citizen” was not used to define those eligible to be POTUS.  For that the framers demanded one be a “natural born citizen”.

"The 14th Amendment does not use the words “natural born”.  The framers could have included those words in the 14th Amendment, but they chose not to. The compact between the states referenced in Arizona SB 1308 attempts to rewrite the 14th Amendment by adding the words “natural born” to it.

"Such may only be accomplished by the Constitutional amendment process.  This compact does not meet that standard. In conclusion, I leave you with the words of John Bingham, one of the people who drafted the 14th Amendment:

“…every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural-born citizen.”

"Parents. Plural. Not one parent. Two. Two parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty. Mr. Bingham would know more about the intent of the drafters of the 14th Amendment than anyone alive today… seeing as how Mr. Bingham wrote the 14th Amendment. But hey, who cares about facts?  Who cares about the text of the 14th Amendment?  This is America.  The Constitution is what people say it is, not what it actually says for itself.  Welcome to the living Constitution… and the dying of the USA."

Leo Donofrio, Esq.

As you can see, Leo, is quite harsh in his opinion regarding the true purpose of the bill's language. Personally, I don't believe Senators Pearce and Gould have any intentions toward protecting Obama/Soetoro's battle to evade the truth about his dual citizenship. I do agree with Leo that a state legislature cannot change Art. 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment (think Term Limits and recalling members of Congress)

14th Amendment
Amendment XIV

Section 1. "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

SB 1308, Art III, changes the language of that amendment which a state clearly has no authority to do. That has to be done by a constitutional amendment. I believe that will be the basis for a legal challenge should that bill become law.

I also disagree with Leo regarding his statement: "Apparently, the US citizenship of anchor babies is being sacrificed to protect Obama from competing eligibility legislation.."

Anchor babies" is simply a bastardization of the Fourteenth Amendment. Illegal means illegal. If the parent(s) have no legal right to be on US soil, their off spring are also illegal and must be deported if there is going to be any respect for our laws. I'm sorry for children of illegals, but they should blame their parents for sneaking across our borders, making them criminals in the eyes of the law. However, as their parents are here illegally, so are they, born here or not.

The letter below is from another individual involved in one of the early eligibility cases:

Dear Arizona State Senate Members of the Committee that introduced this bill:

In Bill 1308, for the purposes of identifying a "natural born citizen", the passage in Article II - Definition is utterly and completely wrong.  It is the definition for dual citizens, and for non-natural born citizens, even though the language appears to deny it.  You must state clearly, instead, that both parents must be American citizens, born or naturalized, in order for the child to be a "Natural Born" citizen.  Not one, BOTH parents. YOU are opening a can of judicial worms by failing to make a clear and constrained definition of Natural Born. Any definition other than both parents being American citizens is flatly unconstitutional. The Framers intent,  the use of the guiding documents such as DeVattel's Law of Nations, as well as the fidelity expressed in the congressional acts, judicial decisions and statements by key politicians over the last two hundred plus years makes it clear that there is only one definition of "Natural Born" and you folks are trying to change it.  Don't do it.

Instead, please recognize and stick with the obvious. The U.S. Constitution has two categories of citizenship:  Natural Born Citizen, and Citizen. Your definition draws no such distinction. A Citizen meets the same standard as a Natural Born Citizen according to your definition in Article II.  That clearly violates the intent of the U.S. Constitution. As in the article below,  your definition is an inaccurate and incorrect rendition of the 14th Amendment. Senator Bingham himself stated that jurisdiction applies to the children of PARENTS, plural...I repeat, plural. Your twisting of the language by saying "at least one parent" is going to create a mess for the future.

You can say that the definition in Article II says the same thing as what I am asserting, but your definition leaves open all kinds of legal wrangling and hair splitting over "child without citizenship", or "at least one parent".  Make the definition clear, don't create poor law.

Leo Donofrio's article makes this point even more clear for you.

Article II SHOULD read this way:


Also, please note the diagram below which does an excellent job of outlining all the different classifications of citizenship. It makes abundantly clear what the definition of Natural Born Citizen is supposed to be.


Cort Wrotnowski
Greenwich, CT

Court emailed his letter to Senators Pearce, Gold and the other sponsors of the bill so they are aware many of us are against it.

Am I alone in my objection to the "anchor babies" scam?

The single largest number of criminals sneaking across the border are Mexicans. Since most illegal aliens come from Mexico, what does their Constitution say - and thank you to Mothers Against Illegal Amnesty for bringing this to light several months ago:

Mexican Constitution - Chapter II

Article 30. Mexican nationality is acquired by birth or by naturalization:

A. Mexicans by birth are:

I. Those born in the territory of the Republic, regardless of the nationality of their parents:

II. Those born in a foreign country of Mexican parents; of a Mexican father and a foreign mother; or of a Mexican mother and an unknown father;

Quoting Frosty Wooldridge from is column, January 6, 2011:

"April 4, 1997, President Sedillo of Mexico stated that "We will not tolerate foreign forces dictating and enacting laws on Mexicans. Our contention is that we are not enacting or dictating any laws on the Mexican illegal alien children born by illegal alien females in the US territory. Further, he states that "he was going to use all diplomatic and legal forces at his disposal to protect Mexicans living in the United States."

What Sedillo was saying is legally correct: Illegal aliens who smuggle themselves across our borders are Mexican citizens and so are their off spring according to their Constitution, which is why he vows to protect "Mexicans living in the United States."

Consider these words from Edward J. Erler, Professor of Political Science, California State University, San Bernardino, in his column (I hope you take the time to read all of it): Birthright Citizenship and Dual Citizenship: Harbingers of Administrative Tyranny

"In sum, this legacy of feudalism—which we today call birthright citizenship—was decisively rejected as the ground of American citizenship by the Fourteenth Amendment and the Expatriation Act of 1868. It is absurd, then, to believe that the Fourteenth Amendment confers the boon of American citizenship on the children of illegal aliens. Nor does the denial of birthright citizenship visit the sins of the parents on the children, as is often claimed, since the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are not being denied anything to which they have a right. Their allegiance should follow that of their parents during their minority. Furthermore, it is difficult to fathom how those who defy American law can derive benefits for their children by their defiance—or that any sovereign nation would allow such a thing."

He further points out:

"But in any case, to say that children of legal aliens are entitled to citizenship is one thing; after all, their parents are in the country with the permission of the U.S. It is entirely different with illegal aliens, who are here without permission. Thus repeal of the current policy of birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens would not require a constitutional amendment."

Children born on US soil of an illegal alien parent (or two parents) regardless of country of origin have no "right" to U.S. citizenship.

I'm not a lawyer and I don't know how to write bills for a legislature, but I sincerely hope Senators Pearce and Gould will withdraw that dangerous bill. I know how frustrating it is with their state infested with illegal aliens. Between bleeding their local and state governments dry with benefits they have no legal right to, and the drugs and violent illegal offenders, Arizona's lawmakers have every right to act because it sure as hell will not come from the Outlaw Congress. Yeah, there has been some noise about it back in DC:

'Anchor Baby' Constitutional Amendment to Face Scrutiny in Congress

"In a matter of weeks, Congress will go from trying to help young, illegal immigrants become legal to debating whether children born to parents who are in the country illegally should continue to enjoy automatic U.S. citizenship. Such a hardened approach -- and the rhetoric certain to accompany it -- should resonate with the GOP faithful who helped swing the House in Republicans' favor. But it also could further hurt the GOP in its endeavor to grab a large enough share of the growing Latino vote to win the White House and the Senate majority in 2012. Legislation to test interpretations of the 14th Amendment as granting citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants will emerge early next session."

Forget about pandering to the damn "Latino vote." This is about the law.

Forget about constitutional amendments. This is a favorite play of Republicans either too stupid to understand how to solve a problem or led around by the nose by those who don't want a problem solved. There's no reelection in the cure, only the treatment (If elected, I promise!). Constitutional amendments take years and in this case as with dozens of others proposed, there is no need. Nor, will any bill coming out of the House of Representatives stand a snowball's chance in hell of going anywhere. With the ethically bankrupt Democrats and RINOs controlling the senate, and an open border advocate illegally camped out in the White House, it won't happen. It must be the states enforcing their right to stop the continuing invasion and legally wrong interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

I hope you will take the time to call or write a short letter to Senators Pearce and Russell even if you don't live in Arizona. If you do live in Arizona, please spread the word. Be polite as always, but ask them to kill that bill and start over. Or, if time is an issue because the cut off date has passed for introduction of new bills, if their senate rules allow, amend the bill. As it is written, SB 1308 is poison and must be stopped from passage by their full legislature.

Please take the time because several other states are looking at that bill as a model. We don't need a bill that's going to get shot down on constitutional grounds and set a horrible legal precedent. Here are the addresses:

Sen. Russell Pearce and Senator Ron Gould: Arizona State Senate, Capitol Complex, 1700 West Washington,  Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890


1 - Police Ordered To Stop “Incidental Immigration Enforcement”

2 - Colorado May Subsidize Illegal Immigrants’ College Education

3 - Sleeper Cells in the USA

How many more Americans will die because of politics, trade and the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU)?

1 - Illegal Immigrant Charged With Murder in Virginia
2 - Hit-and-run illegals held in valet's death: "Authorities said Thursday that four people arrested in connection with the hit-and-run death of parking valet Jose Medina are in the country illegally — and one was moments away from returning to Mexico when she was caught and pulled off a plane."
3 - Three Illegal Immigrants Accused in Death of American Teen

Top award for rotten politician who openly thumbs his nose at our immigration laws:

Gov. Kills Immigration Laws In Name Of Economic Growth (Chaffee is a career political animal). He should be arrested:

"Just a few days on the job, Democrat Lincoln Chafee wasted no time issuing executive orders to accommodate illegal aliens, assuring that "RI can grow economically by being a tolerant place to do business.

He also took action so that “immigrant-rich areas” could prosper throughout the state, which has an estimated 40,000 illegal aliens mingled in its population of a little over 1 million."

Where is the outcry from the people in Rhode Island who have no job? Where is the outcry from the people in RI? Are they proud their governor is a lawbreaker?


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